"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.".. Theodore Roosevelt, 1910.
A statement buried in a speech made so long ago, but so relevant to our times!
I find in thinking of this speech, that I think of all the strong women of our time who may not have been particularly perfect, but who find themselves in the battlefield of life, daily covered in the dust and grime of striving to hold on to a career and "compete with the men" and in the face of all odds, they come out standing and they come out tall. They might not have been perfect, come to think of it, not all of the women mentioned in the Bible were perfect, but they all had a cause and they stuck to it. They struggled valiantly for the future and in that struggle, did not relent if the results were less than expected, but rather continued to invest their efforts in striving to make the world a better place, one person at a time!
I celebrate you all!
I think of our mothers, investing their time, their efforts, sweating pellets of blood to shape and mold us into a better version of themselves. None wishing that we should be like them, but that we should better their achievements a million fold, cheering us to greater heights and achievements. I recall the fasting embarked upon by my mother to see us emerge better and different, the prayers when we stumble and the hands extended to lift us up even though we fall! The words that wipe away the hurt, the shame, the blow to our egos at having taken a tumble and egging us on to look beyond the present circumstances into their constant assurance of a brighter future. The tears invested can never be repaid, the love expended can never be quantified. We were their goals, their expectations, their greatest achievements and no stone was left unturned in pursuing the realization of those dreams
A mother's labor - evergreen, ever forgiving, ever faithful and never fading.
I celebrate my mum!!
I cast my mind upon our sisters: a strong hold in times of trouble, watching our backs, willing to drop it all in an instant and fight for us. Always ready and forthcoming with words of advice, encouragement and sharing experiences. Sisters that we find, not just from our mother's womb, but in every aspect of life. Sisters in the workplace, sisters in the gym, sisters in the marketplace, sisters just around your neighborhood. Ever ready to rush to your aid, never judgmental but always providing a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on and a napkin to wipe the tears when you are done!
I celebrate my sister, sister-in-laws and those sisters, though not related by blood of marriage, but who have indeed proved themselves worthy to be called sisters!
Aunties add variety to life. Casting my mind back on my life's journey, I remember aunties who provided comfort when I could not run to my mum. Aunties who made life a bit more fun, who were ready with the cuddles, they would withhold from spanking where mothers would tan your hide, yet aunties would not hesitate to gently chide. They provided comfort when mothers were not readily available and confirmed why I needed a mother's instruction and guidance to survive.
Oh how numerous those aunties were! Some I have lost touch with, some I still see regularly, I find some rare gems daily - search deep within you and you will realise that your life story can never be completely told without mentioning an aunt or two.
I celebrate my aunties - you all are the bomb!
Friends, a word so casually flung about, but which needs to be properly applied as misapplication more often than not, leads you into a pack of wolves in sheep's clothing! Ah friends! They understand, they relate, they fight, they make up! They stand by you, they fight with you, they break laws with you but still call you to order when you attempt to overstep bounds! They feel your pain and they fight for what they believe you are worth.
For those friends who have stood the test of time, I can't celebrate you, cos we are in this together! I deeply appreciate you!
The International Women's Day - Appreciate and celebrate all the women who make your world go round!
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