story story...

1 comment:

  1. Dear people, the concluding part of "One for the road" is ready... in my head!

    I have been following Vivi around and I must confess it promises to be good and soppy for all those cute little love story addicts.

    For now, I have quite a few projects at hand, but you will definitely have how Vivi's story ended and how her life turned around next week for the weekend.

    For now, just my random musings, I am on about entrepreneurship so expect a lot more from that and soon as I am through with the other issues that beset me, I will track Vivi and her love down and let you all into what's up with her.

    I have a "muse" for Vivi! Can't tell though!

    Enjoy the weekend folks!

    P.S: Website still under construction o!
